- Large pack 100 grams of Natural Baltic Amber powder
- Pure, unprocessed Natural Baltic Amber for best results/li>
- Comes to you direct from Poland on the Baltic Sea
- The same powder that is used in herbal medications
The ancients said that the amber powder had magical powers. Modern science has proven that the medically active ingredient, succinic acid is in fact beneficial.
Europeans long ago learned that amber oil, either distilled or made from powder, rubbed into the skin did many fabulous things. One of which was to regenerate the skin.
Amber oil, derived from pure natural Baltic Amber, is one of nature’s own cures. And it has been shown to be a very effective cure when applied to the skin.
Note that what is discussed here is information about alternative medical treatments that have been long used in Europe. Many scoff at the methods. Others swear by them. In any case, in spite of their long history of use, you should never embark on any course of medical treatment, traditional or alternative, without consulting with your doctor and providing that doctor complete information about your condition and about your intent. The condition or conditions that you are trying to alleviate may be just symptoms of a more serious issue.
The Russians and Chinese have been in the forefront of the use of amber for health purposes.
In the year 2002, N.N Moszkov, a Doctor and the Medical and Biological Head of the Institute of Amber And Regional Resources in Kaliningrad reported getting fast and effective therapeutic results by using Amber powder. He rubbed powder, made from pure natural Baltic Amber, on the skin in the locale of patients’ ailments. Amber was applied on different patients in such places as the head, spine, thyroid gland, chest and the limbs. He found the most visible results when applied to the face.
He maintains that unfavorable environmental conditions prevailing today block the natural flow of energy related processes in cells and the micronisation of Amber improves its assimilation by the stress weakened organism of contemporary mankind.
Amber oil prepared by distillation neutralizes mosquito and other insect bites, relieves pain and cramps by relaxation, strengthens hair follicles and removed dandruff. When added to your bath, 1 to 2 mL of Amber oil makes the skin supple.
Additionally, Dr. Veniamin Khazarov of the RAS Institute of Pharmacology at the Tomsk Scientific Center, says. “ For the people, succinic acid has proved to be indispensable. It is capable of restoring the energy balance at the cellular level, which is often upset as years go by, and helps the patient regain his youthful energy.” He says also that it has proven the equal or better of many commercial drugs and is significantly less expensive.
Baltic Amber powder is used in Chinese herbal medications and creams that call for the benefits of natural Baltic Amber. And it is Baltic Amber that is called for because it is the only Amber with a remarkably high level of the medically active ingredient succinic acid, otherwise known as Amber acid.
Amber powder can be applied as powder itself. Traditionally it has also been added to rose oil or honey. Modern users also add it to their favorite herbal massage cream. Others feel that it is best used by combining it with cold pressed sunflower oil which oil is itself is high in vitamin E content.