Toasted Ravioli are great appetizers and main course delights. And the Ravioli King Toasted Ravioli Maker is designed to make ravioli perfectly sized to make delectable toasted ravioli.
These toasted raviolis are small, appetizer sized delicacies.
And with this handy time saving kitchen tool they are quick and easy to make.
Advantage – Please all your guests. Instead of making a few large raviolis with one type filling, make many smaller with different fillings. It’s easy to do with this form.
Moreover, it is a versatile tool. You can even use it to make pot stickers, varenki, ravioli, won ton, fried dumplings, mandoo, kreplach, empanadas.
And to make things even better, you get a free copy of the Instructions “Let’s Make Ravioli Together!” and "A Complete Guide to Ravioli Fillings". These take you step by step through the process of properly making the pasta and then filling the ravioli so you get expert results. They also show you how to avoid the mistakes that ruin perfectly good pasta and ravioli.
Plus, to help you succeed the Ravioli King Toasted Ravioli maker features beneficial bottomless shaping holes that self-adjust for filling errors so that you get a perfect seal every time. Forms with closed bottoms leave no margin for error.
When using a form with a solid bottom, if you add a little extra filling, it ends up in the sealing area and the ravioli will spill out the filling when you boil them. You don’t have this problem with the Ravioli King products. This is explained fully in “Let’s Make Ravioli Together”.
Ravioli lovers will enjoy the convenience of using a handy kitchen tool that makes up to 55 homemade, tasty ravioli at once.
And you know what is in the filling! Commercial fillings may be nice, but can you always be sure what is in them? When you make your own, you know for sure.
This Ravioli King Toasted Ravioli Maker is made of dishwasher safe, unbreakable polystyrene and carries a lifetime guarantee against breakage.
Diameter 25.5 cm (10 in ), height 1.5 cm ( .6 in ), Thickness .5cm (.2 in), Weight 193 grams (6.8 ounces), Hexagonal Cutting Hole Diameter 3 cm ( (1.2 in ), Filling Hole Diameter 2.3 cm ( .9 in ).
Being light and flat you can store it in a drawer or hang is on a wall. With no sharp edges it is kid and counter safe.
It won’t scratch your counter top or break your glass when you store it. With this handy tool you can make large numbers of ravioli in a short time – for the freezer are large gathering of guests.
Do something different. Have a ravioli party.: Invite some people over to make ravioli. Let the kids get involved. Make many kinds of ravioli and make enough for people to take home.
Remember, make your own and know what you are eating. Follow the tasty filling recipes that come free with the Ravioli King Toasted Ravioli Maker. Buy it now.